Wednesday, August 29, 2007

AFL Players Ass. drugs

President Peter Bell
AFL Players ASS.
Level 12 545 King St.
West Melbourne 3003 18th March 2006

Dear President, Peter Bell.

We write regarding the ALF Players social welfare and the influence of the Australia Sports Drug Agency has over them. The World Anti-Doping Agency, (WADA ) instigated in USA has control over Australian Sports Drug Agency (ASDA) Intern, oversees nearly all sport in Australia, and are committed to the International Standard. Prohibited List 2006. The ASDA is not required to do its own research into the affects of drugs in Australian sport.

WADA, Prohibited List 2006, has included Cannabis, The Australian Government Department of Health, "National Drug Strategy" states "Cannabis has been erroneously classified as a narcotic," Now to include cannabis in the list, must cast a shadow doubt over the ability of WADA, and ASDA to distinguish the difference between the two.

Considering all the prohibited substances listed under the WADA code, Cannabis is the only substance that can be transmitted to another person, resulting in that person showing a positive test to Marijuana. Passive smoking has been proven to display a positive drug test.
We don't wish to appear as being vindictive towards the ASDA, However we are deeply concerned that they may have overlooked the social well-being of many AFL players. (i.e.)

Young .Natham (1) living at home with his Parents whom consume cannabis while watching T.V ,(2) at his friends place that also use cannabis, (3) driving his mate's to the footy, whom also smoke cannabis. Natham is required to give a saliva swap, which showed a positive test on three different occasions to Marijuana. Although the evidence is very strong, Natham, non user of cannabis, takes legal action to clear his name and reputation, engages a solicitor, who instructs a Barrister, that consult a highly respected, QC. to act on Nathham's behalf. After several time consuming and costly court appearances, Natham, (may be) cleared, as the cause of the positive test was due to inhaling passive (cannabis) smoke. Natham only used 90% of his total AFL player income over two season, to pay for his legal defence team. His only regret being wrongly disqualified from playing in his teams Grand Final win, every AFL players dream/goal.

The AFL its self, has a roll in protecting the rights and welfare of the youthful recruits, in making sure they fully understand the detailed issues of the agreement, the consequences of being a roll mode, the curtailing of their lawful civil rights. The AFL must also assure that the players code, has not and does not place an unnecessary burden on the players welfare.

We feel it would be in the best interest and welfare of all AFL players and clubs, if the WADA Prohibited list 2006, was amend and as in part prohibited in-competition S8. Cannabinoids be deleted completely. As you may not be aware cannabis is not a performances enhancing drug..... Accountability for all

Yours in good faith

Les McDonald

Drug in the AFL

Collingwood F.C. and to all AFL teams
Fax 61384120170
To Whom it may Concern
and all Team Players. 10th March 2006

Re: "Age' Footy drugs testing finds 15 under the influence

It is of great concern that all AFL players are subjected to The Australia Sports Drug Agency, out -of- competition testing system, which includes Marijuana.

Marijuana is a prohibited substance listed under ASDA in 2006 maintained by WADA. This must leave open to question the real motive behind both ASDA and WADA Marijuana, is not a performance-enhancing substance, in fact, reduces performance levels of the user.

Considering the Millions of Australians that consume Marijuana regally, we can only assume that some AFL players are included in the numbers. The herb cannabis, for hundreds of years has been used for various ailments effecting the human race, Queen Victoria used the herb to relive minstrel pain. O'shaugnessy introduced cannabis to British medicine in the mid-nineteen century, Nahas 1n 1984 recommended its use for the relief of pain , muscle spasm, and convulsions occurring in tetanus, rabies, rheumatism and epilepsy. Others to numinous to mention (Ref. A.G.D.H. and Ageing, Series. 25)

Cannabis was used as beverage or food additive such, in cakes, biscuits, by a small part our society. By the 1970 "pot" use had increased, 1975 it retailed (home grown) at the astonishing of price $30 per ounce, this price forced many consumers to smoke "pot" for their recreational comforts, avoiding the social effects of alcohol =destruction=violence=death.
We note from ASDA substance prohibited in particular sports alcohol is prohibited, in-competition only, being not over i.e. Aeronautic, (0.20) Archery, (0.10) Automobile, (0.10) Billiards, (0.20) Boules, (0.10) Karat (0.10) Modern Pentathlon, (0.10) Motorcycling (0.10) Power-boating (0.30). AFL players, in-competition have no limits on alcohol

Many young AFL players live at home with their parents, watching TV .in an enclosed the space his parents may smoke Marijuana, resulting in the young player showing a positive test to Marijuana, up till seven days after inhaling "passive smoke" I have enclosed herewith cut-out from the Melbourne "AGE" "Boxer set for final drug ban appeal ..".he was with relatives who were smoking marijuana, and that this caused his positive test"..

We feel that all AFL clubs should but the players social welfare at the forefront, It would be with in reason to request the ASDA and WADA to show cause and reason (the evidence)' why Marijuana is to remain in prohibited list 2006. . ... Accountability, a must for all.

We all need, Straight answer to a Straight question

Yours sincerely, Les McDonald

Friday, August 24, 2007

Departrment Of Health/Prime Minister

Departrment Of Health and Ageing
Cath Peachey
GPO. Box 9848
Canberra ACT 2601 27 August 2007

Dear Cath Peachey,

I acknowledge your letter of 18 June 2007, being in reply to our letter of 4 May 2007 to the Minister for Health and Age, the Hon. Tony Abbott MP. which included our letter of 9th February 2007 to the Prime Minister John Howard, As to ensure that issues receive the attention they deserve, the Prime Minister referred our correspondence to the Minister for Healthy and Ageing, the Hon. Tony Abbott MP for further consideration given that he is responsible for the development of policy on health issues.

It now appears that this matter falls within the portfolio responsibility of the Minister for Ageing the Hon. Christopher Pyne MP. We appreciate the effort you have gone to in explaining that cannabis is an illegal drug, and that the Government is committed $14 million over four years from 2006-07 for cannabis related projects.

The last paragraph of your letter states "You may... consider contacting the Victorian Minister for Health, the Hon. Bronwyn Pike..." which raises concern and doubt, leaving open to question whether or not you have received a copy of our letter 9th February 2007 to the Prime Minister John Howard, as it makes clear mention of the correspondence to the Victorian Minister for Health, the Hon. Bronwyn Pike...Something is wrong?

As to help clarify the situation,

I now ask, have you perused the letter to the Prime Minister John Howard, dated 9th February 2007, being enclosed with our letter of 4 May 2007 to the Minister for Health and Age, the Hon. Tony Abbott MP.

We don't wish to appear as being ungrateful, but now you may well understand the reason for our disappointment in the response so far received, the issues have not been addressed in a proper, responsible manner... Accountabilty is now a must.

I also take this opportunity to ask you a personal question, Are you a member or former member of the Legal Profession?

I thank you

Yours sincerely,

Les McDonald