Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"U" be the judge part 4

6th March 2006 Bebuybac to Leader of the Opposition Robert Doyle,".. For the last 25 years or so we have requested various Government Departments for any evidence whatsoever showing cause and reason why prohibition of cannabis should remain Unfortunately no solid evidence has been produced to this day.

23 March 2006 in reply. Helen Shardey MP, Shadow Minister For Health & Community Services, Your letter addressed to Mr Robert Doyle, There is growing evidence of a link between smoking and mental disorder... "

28th April 2006, Bebuybac to Helen Shardey MP, Shadow Minister For Health & Community Services, Received letter 23rd March 2006, In the early nineties, we made it known to both Federal and State Governments, our concern regarding the Health risk associated with smoking cannabis that had been grown indoors..." It would assist our research ..If you could forward a copy of any evidence that that supports such claims.

10th May 2006 In reply Helen Shardey MP, Shadow Minister For Health & Community Services, "I note the important issue you have raised. I will make sure I forward you any information which comes to my attention, on the link between cannabis use and mental illnesses"

13th June 2006 Bebuybac to The Hon. John Brumby, "... You may realise that the current legislation concerning cannabis has not worked in the best interest and future well-being of the Victorian public ... " copy Not here yet

13th June 2006 Bebuybac to Leader of the Liberal Party Ted Baillieu, "We are deeply concerned and point out, between 1996 and 2006 there has been over 150,000 Victorians convicted for cannabis related offenses. In one year alone (1996) Legal Aid spent 14 Million dollars on legal representation defending cannabis consumers that had pleaded Guilty.

6th July 2006 In reply, Leader of the Liberal Party Ted Baillieu Thank you for your letters April l3 & June 13 2006, The issue of Illegal drug use is certainly of major concern to all Victorians. Thank you for raising the issue with me. Kind regards Ted Baillieu

3rd December 2007, to Minister For Health Ms. Lisa Neville, "I point out that we wrote to the Victorian Health Department 1987 for any evidence whatsoever that supports Cannabis prohibition. Sill no evidence been received.".

16 January 2008 In reply, Minister For Mental Health, Per Gill Callister Executive Director Mental Heath and Drug Division. In late 2007, as part of the national Cannabis Strategy, the Australian Government established to provide the community with evidence-based information about cannabis, and to support alcohol and drug treatment services that treat cannabis dependence.

6th February 2008 Minister For Mental Health Ms Lisa Neville, We appreciate that the Victorian Government has changed several times, and these letters date from the last century, yet the situation remains the same today, We ask again is there any evidence on hand that supports cannabis prohibition?

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