Monday, April 21, 2008

"U" be the judge Reply Chief Magistrates 17/4/08

From the Magistrates Court Victoria, dated 17 April 2008, received 21 April
Mr Les McDonald

Dear Mr. McDonald
Thank you for your letter dated 11 April and received in my chambers on 15 April.

I will look into your concerns you have raised in your correspondence and write to you again as soon as possible

Yours Faithfully
Ian L Gray
Chief Magistrate

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"U" be the judge Background Not file with Court

As we all know the role that the Victorian police play in our society and that the Law Courts are independent from the Government of Victoria, and obligated to protecting the People of Victoria, without prejudices or favour I humble request this peoples Court to consider the motives of my actions have been carried out with the best interest, future health and well-being of the Citizens of Victoria. Firstly. As by way of relevant background I offer the following, .Three quarters of the way through the last century (1975) The media raised the issues that High School students were using Pot (cannabis) as an alternative to Alcohol.

At that time (1975) I operated an alcohol free entertainment venue in Melbourne, promoting Australian talent, Sixteen live acts per night between the hours 7pm till 7am seven nights a week, As I did not smoke cigarettes or anything else at that time. Considering the hours the venue operated, yet there were no incidents of unruly conduct or violence every recorded in the time the Venue operated.

As it become well known that I was involved in Law reform, I was approached by a group of concerned citizens, including two young Solicitors, (one which is today regarded as one of Victories outstanding QC,) To become involved with The Cannabis research Foundation of Australia which I did.

1977 During this time the media often lead stories "Young Girls make $1700 to $2000 a week in St Kilda as prostitutes" This creating a Hugh number of young people descending to Fitzroy Street being the main attraction for money, however the Heroin trade was now rampant, as Heroin addict would be prostitute filled the Streets of St. Kilda.

As I had recently won first division in Tattslotto, I purchased a motel in Wellington Street St. Kilda, Aided by voluntary workers, turned the place in to a refuge for heroin addict, Often taxi at all hours, day or night would bring distressed people that need help, these were given a room at no charge some would stay for a week or two, Cannabis was used to easy the with draw pains caused by Heroin use, more serious cases were taken to the Alfred hospital.

At that time I had purchased a property The Winsor Regus Picture Theater for $900,000 This being the first time that I engaged my consultant, short time later she, has conspired with others to purchase the property, as well as other businness I had, at the same time instigated Supreme Court action on behalf of one of my companies.

September 1978 Bebuybac was formed a non profit Co-op Be Australian Buy Australian Bac Australian, it initiated the Advance Australia campaign, (1977) Well respected law firm of Melbourne was engaged to manager my affairs, as doubt had been raised over the business consultant that I had engaged, I suspected fraud have laying out my Companies estates and the prospectus of the future earnings estimated at $65,000 Per Week.

December 1979 I attended my solicitors officer, present were a well know land developer, and the person that recommended the legal firm to me, Shortly after my solicitor informed me that he will take every thing that I had, and their was nothing I could do about it, Nothing he shouted Nothing you can do will stop us, The three would break into a foreign language, then claiming that "We run this country not the Government" .."wait till the year after 2000 you will see how good we are" after about twenty minutes of this arrogant abuse, shock hands, and said to them well go for it then. (With the next 8 week I made my concerns known in writing to the appropriate authorities) "The Legal Vendetta" to be continued. posted 16/04/08

Thursday, April 10, 2008

"U" be the judge Points of law 04 11/04/08

Chief Magistrate Case No. X00340105
Melbourne Magistrates' Court
233 William Street,
Melbourne, Vic. 3000
GPO Box 882G, Melbourne, Vic. 3001
11th April 2008
Dear Chief Magistrate

I write to bring to your attention concerns raised, relating to the Magistrate conduct at the Magistrates Court Marybrough on the 8th April 2008. Which needs to be addressed.

Background. This matter at been set to be heard at St. Arnaud Magistrates Court on the 13th March 2008, as the defendant requested, the case was listed for mention at the Marybrough Magistrates Court 8th April 2008.

The defendant was call, The Honour made it clear that this case would not be heard to day, as this was only list for Mentioned, do you understand, yes replied the defendant.
The Police prosecutor, "..the property at Morguu, . (as his file brief fall and spread over the floor) The defendant said Moliagual, the Police prosecutor, thank him for the correction as he picking up the scattered papers.

The Magistrate held up the a file that the defendant had lodged with the court prior, His Honour, asked are you saying this court has no Jurisdiction, the defendant replied, That's right, Yes your Honour, (enclosed letter dated 3rd April enclosures not included)
His Honour,. right this will be heard back at St Arnaud, the prosecutor started to say something, His Honour, in a raised voice, No, No this is going back to St Arnaud, list it for 2 Hours, the Jurisdiction, Police prosecutor attempted to speak, His Honour appeared to be. disturbed, by interrupting Police prosecutor ....(enclosed Advice Hearing Date 08/04/2008).

Defendant, reminded his Honour. of the elders may ha...
His Honour remarks ...(unclear)
Defendant, After a short time, (his honour returned to his seat) asked will bail be extended.
His Honour Yes, you may go
Defendant, thank you your Honour
(Time in court about 2 min. in all).

As to show cause and reasons for concern, the defense will be disadvantage to a degree if the hearing is at St. Arnaud Court, (as expressed in my letter to the Court Dated 21/02/08. enclosed herewith) It would be within reason to assume if the issues of "Jurisdiction" could be resolved in 2 hours at St. Arnaud Magistrates Court, Surely Marybrough can do the same.

I ask has St Arnaud Magistrates Court power to hear the issues regarding "Jurisdiction" of The Victorian Parliament, has over the aboriginal people of Victoria, and was the Magistrate His Honour decision correct or not. Your early response would be greatly appreciated.

Yours faithfully

Les McDonald

Monday, April 7, 2008

"U" be the judge The Court (2) day Marybrough.

(The defendant, response to the charges, and files, had been received by the Court,prior (see Court 31/03/08)
8th April 2008 Marybrough court
Magistrate, this is only here for mention Today, we will not be going to day,

Defendant I understand your honour

The magistrate " are you claiming that "the court has no Jurisdiction"

Defendant, That's right, yes your honour

Magistrate Then the case is to be heard back at St.Arnaud Court on the 22 May 2008

Defendant will my bail still apply

Magistrate Yes ,

Defendant Thank you your Honour

Ps. "the court has no Jurisdiction" is to be addressed by the Magistrate Court at St. Arnaud, I think not, I am sure it will have to be adressed by the supreme court, Did the Magistrate make a mistake, or not, Point Of Law No. 3

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"U" be the judge defendants response

The Magistrates Court Marybrough , to be heard 08/04/08

Defendant Leslie Ernest McDonald in Response Summary of Charges VP Form L20

In answer to Summary of Charge 1. Re: McIntyre Road Property

"The .....Police then located 13 small cannabis seedlings planted in three pots under a water tank stand."

The defendent request the Court to consider police Exhibit List. 7. Produced by Michael Hobson relating to Charge 1. Photographs 1, 2, and 3 (Copies herewith)

1. Now marked LMD 1. Shows the 3 Pots (east side) which appears to contain 5 plants in total

2. Now marked LMD 2. Shows 3 Pots (west side) which appears to contain 5 plants in total

The defendant states, that the informant summary this is not true or accurate, which may be used to mislead the Court. The defendant, request the court if it see fit to do so, dismiss the evidence that indicates "Police. located 13 small cannabis seedlings planted in three pots under a water tank stand.

"Police further located another 13 small cannabis plants growing in several small plants in a shade house in the rear yard of the property. all these plants were only approximately 2cm in height and had been planted as cuttings by the defendent"

The defendant states, that there were six pot plants in the shade house, these six pots were placed on the very top rack of the shade house, the top of the pots were about five inches below the top of the shade cover (roof) containing some four cuttings, not 13 as alleged.

It is within reason to suggest, that the police moved the six pots down from the rack, to enable them to be photograph.

The defendant maintains, that the pots (six) under the water tank stand were brought in to the shade house, as to be photograph of all the pots together. At no time were there every twelve pots containing Cannabis seedlings/cuttings in the shade house. The defendant saw one officer taking pots from under the water tank stand, and towards the hot house.

For the informant to suggest that there a total 26 cuttings and plants at McIntyre Road property is totally misleading the Court, The defendant seeks the informant to clarify the matter under oath.

Ends the defendant response


Les McDonald dated th April 2008

Friday, April 4, 2008

"U" be the judge Points of law 02. 04/04/08

The defendant request to clarify the charge:

The defendant .... ...Did cultivate a narcotic plant, namely Cannabis

The defendant asks the Court to consider (annexed marked 1. The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing Part 4 Cannabis the drug (latest update 22September)directly to:-

"Cannabis has been erroneously classified as a narcotic,"j

The defendant, understands that cannabis is not a narcotic plant,and states "I have requested the Victoria Health department, many times over many years, for any evidence that supports Cannabis prohibition. still no evidence has been forwarded to this date."

The defendant, request informant, to for any evidence whatsoever that supports the claim/charge, "cultivate a narcotic plant Court"

Q. Is the defendant with in his rights,to request evidence that supports the charge Yes or No "U" be the judge. reply verdict (POL.2) by Email (

Thursday, April 3, 2008

"U" be the judge The Court 31/03/08

Magistrates Court Maryborough
Clarendon Street 3rd April 2008
Maryborough 3465

Dear Clerk of Courts

Re: Case No. X00340105, Listed for Mention 08/04/08

Informant: Micheal A. Hobson

Defendant Leslie E McDonald

Charge 1. The Defendant at Burkes Flat on 30/01/08 did cultivate a narcotic plant, namely cannabis.

The Defendant reserves his plea on this charge,

Charge 2. The Defendant at Moliagul Flat on 30/01/08 did cultivate a narcotic plant, namely cannabis.

The Defendant request the Court to clarify the Jurisdiction of the Courts, over the Aboriginal People of Victoria,

Charge 3. The Defendant at Burkes Flat on September 2007 did use a drug of dependence namely cannabis

The Defendant admits that he used Cannabis in September 2007, when staying in South Australia, at that time,

As to assist the court please find enclosed herewith relating to

Charge I. Documents, Letter, in the public best interest

Charge 2. Correspondence, Letters in support, as the doubt over the courts Jurisdiction has been raised (1996)

Copies of the above have been forwarded and received by the Informant Micheal A Hobson

Submitted by

Les McDonald, founder of Bebuybac, the Concerned Australians, Chief Lore Officer Aboriginal Embassy Victoria,

Yours sincerely

Les McDonald

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"U" be the judge Email from defendent 31/03/08

I thank you for summary of charges, Note my (2nd) name Leslis Ernest McDonald, and from the Statement "Sergeant WARDELL said ...what your name "He said Leslie Gordon McDonald, an obvious oversight

again I thank you.

Les McDonald

Added 9.56 Pm Summary of charges, and copies of prior convictions,(I still maintain my right to fair hearing was denied) This record, shows that the defendant, 0n the 28/06/93 Melbourne Country Court, Traffic other drug of dependence, 2 years, minimum 12 Month's dependent lodged an appealed this and it was heard about a week before the defendant was due to be realised(min Sentence)ButThat's another story.