Friday, April 4, 2008

"U" be the judge Points of law 02. 04/04/08

The defendant request to clarify the charge:

The defendant .... ...Did cultivate a narcotic plant, namely Cannabis

The defendant asks the Court to consider (annexed marked 1. The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing Part 4 Cannabis the drug (latest update 22September)directly to:-

"Cannabis has been erroneously classified as a narcotic,"j

The defendant, understands that cannabis is not a narcotic plant,and states "I have requested the Victoria Health department, many times over many years, for any evidence that supports Cannabis prohibition. still no evidence has been forwarded to this date."

The defendant, request informant, to for any evidence whatsoever that supports the claim/charge, "cultivate a narcotic plant Court"

Q. Is the defendant with in his rights,to request evidence that supports the charge Yes or No "U" be the judge. reply verdict (POL.2) by Email (

1 comment:

The purple circle said...

yes you are entitled to heve the evidance annilised and the prosicution should have he said green vegitale matter aledgedyly cannibis can only be aledeged to be THC bearing cannibis untill annalasus takes place