Saturday, May 24, 2008

"U" be the judge Chief Magistrates Reply 23/05/08

Letter From Chief Magistrates Ian L. Gray dated 19th May 2008 and received 23 May 2008 the day after the court hearing at St. Arnaud :-
Mr. McDonald


Dear Mr. Les McDonald

I refer to your correspondence dated 16th May-one letter sent by post and one by facsimile.

Firstly, I remind you that for the contest mention of the case 22 Mayat St Arnaud, there is no need for witnesses to be present. The only people required are yourself, the prosecutor and the informant.

Secondly, in relation to your question about jurisdiction " over the Aboriginal people of Victoria" I advise that if you wish to raise a jurisdiction objection to the prosecution, you will have to formally advise the magistrate of the precise nature of that objection at the contest mention on 22 May.

I will advise the presiding magistrate of the matters set out in your correspondence dated 16 May.

Yours faithfully

Ian L Gray
Chief Magistrate

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