Sunday, August 24, 2008

CHCommunity Legal centre 25/08/08

Central Highlands Community Legal Centre
Lisa Buckland Monday 25th August 2008
34 Victoria Street

Dear Ms Lisa Buckland,

I thank you for your E-mail 19th August 2008, and appreciate that it may not be appropriate to deal with the issues by E-mail. Considering the great distance and difficulties of transport to attend your office. I again put in writing the two legal issues that need to be addressed.

As I have been advised on behalf of the Attorney-General the Hon. Rob Hulls that CHCLC will be able to clarify the following issue.

1. Has the Victorian Parliament the proper legislated power to make laws for the Aboriginal People of Victoria, Considering that The Victorian Constitution Act 1975 does not mention the Aboriginal race of Victoria .

2. If the Courts Jurisdiction is question in the Magistrates Court , should the matter then be transferred to The Supreme Court of Victoria, to address the Jurisdiction issue.

As the matter is most urgent and of pubic interest it would be appreciated if you could address the issues at your earliest moment
I thank you
Les McDonald,

CH Community Legal Centre

Dear Les

Thank you for your email. CHCLC is not able to give legal advice via email. If you would like to call the Centre and make an appointment regarding these questions please do so on 5331 5999. Alternatively you could call the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Service on 1800 105 303.


Lisa Buckland
Administration Team Leader
Central Highlands Community Legal Centre

Advocate, How many times and how many departments amd legal bodies does it take to get an answer to two very simple question. these question are listed in this post.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jurisdiction Attorney-General Rob Hulls 13/08/08

From the Department of Justice, Office of the Executive Director,Courts Onbehalf of Attorney-General Rob Hulls dated 13 August 2008 received 18/08/08


Dear Mr. McDonald

Courts Jurisdiction

Thank you for your letter dated 1 July 2008 addressed to the Hon.Rob Hulls MP, Attorney-General. He has requested that I respond on his behalf.

You have requested that the Attorney-General clarify the following issues:

1. Has the Victorian Parliament the proper legislated power to make laws for the Aboriginal people of Victoria, considering that the Victoria Constitution Act 1975 does not mention the Aboriginal race of Victoria

2. If the Court jurisdiction is question in the Magistrates Court,should the matter then be transferred to the Supreme Court of Victoria, to address the jurisdiction issue.

I note that vyou currenly have a matter before the Magistrates' Court.

The matters you raised are legal issues; neither the Attorney-General nor any public servant can provide you with legal advice about your mater.

May I suggest you contact one the Following agencies to seek legal advice and assistance.

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (Fax as to 18/08/08)
Central Highlands Community Centre (Fax as to 18/08/08)
Victorian Legal Aid

Executive Director, Courts

"U" be the judge " Court advice 13/08/08

Horsham Magistrates' Court dated 13/08/08 received 14/08/08

Advice of hearing


DEFENBANT : Leslie E McDonald

The case against the abovementioned defendant has been adjourned from 13/8/2008

The Case is now listed for COMMITTAL on the 16/10/2008 at 10;00 at the Magistrates Court at 22 Roberts Ave Horsham, No Plea Taken

"U" be the judge Court Day (3) 13/08/08

13th August 2008 Hosham Magistrates Court His honour Mr. Meakel

Office of Public Prosecution Rep,Ms Realeene Maxwell prior to the hearing requested the Defendant to discuss the issues in a privet room, Present Ms Realeene Maxwell (OPP)Ms. Hellen Dodds (NALA) and the Defendant.

After a short time viewing photos, Ms, Maxwell asked the defendant, whats the main defence..The Courts, The government has no Jurisdiction, OPP yes we have, defendant then produced a file letters. and pointed out the Letter dated 26th August 1996, from Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee Address to Les McDonald Chief Justice Aboriginal Embassy Victoria and:-.

"I am afraid I am not able to be of assistance to you. I am unaware of any Act which gives the Victoria Government the "power to make laws for peace order and good government for indigenous people" signed Helen M, Mason Executive Officer"

After openly perusing other document OPP Ms Maxwell, indicating that the matter be adjourned, The Defendant agreed

In court 1. OPP Ms Realeene Maxwell, Informed his Honour that she would need more time,(the matter be adjourned)

His honour then sent up to one hour talking with defendant, the amount of weight of Cannabis Charg 1. 2.6 Grams. Charge 2. 260 Grams of Cannabis. It was well note that every time the defendant mention the jurisdiction issue he was immediately halted by his Honour.and advised not to go that way. TO BE CONT>

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Defendants part background

In 1975, I operated an alcohol free entertainment venue in Melbourne, promoting Australian talent, Sixteen live acts per night between the hours 7pm till 7am seven nights a week, As I did not smoke cigarettes or anything else at that time. Considering the hours the venue operated, yet there were no incidents of unruly conduct or violence every recorded in the time the venue operated.

As it become well known that I was involved in Law reform, I was approached by a group of concerned citizens, including two young Solicitors, (one which is today regarded as one of Victories outstanding QC,) To become involved with The Cannabis research Foundation of Australia which I did.

September 1978 Bebuybac was formed a non profit Co-op Be Australian Buy Australian Bac Australian, it initiated the Advance Australia campaign, (1977) Well respected law firm of Melbourne was engaged to manager my affairs, as doubt had been raised over the business consultant that I had engaged, I suspected fraud have laying out my Companies estates and the prospectus of the future earnings estimated at $65,000 Per Week.

December 1979 I attended my solicitors office, Cannabis reform was first mentioned, It was assured by my solicitor that this would not happen in my lifetime. Shortly after airing my concerns and details of my companies complaints, My solicitor presented a well known land developer, that was listening in an adjourning cubical with the person that recommended the legal firm to me.

My solicitor informed me that he will take every thing that I had, and their was nothing I could do about it, Nothing he shouted Nothing you can do will stop us, The three would break into a foreign language, then claiming that "We run this country not the Government" .."wait till the year after 2000 you will see how good we are" after about twenty minutes of this arrogant abuse, shock hands, and said to them well go for it then. With the next 8 week I made my concerns known in writing to the appropriate authorities.

"The Legal Vendetta" As I had given my solicitor full power of attorney, and within a very about 18 Months a number of my properties, 40 and 42 St Kilda Road, Brighton 4,6,8 and 10 Octovia Street St.Kilda, plus 62 Church St. Abbotford. had been purchased by the above mentioned land developer at a greatly reduced price.

1983 Bebuybac openly operated a Cannabis retail outlet at 131-133 Glen Eria Road Ripponlea, (which I owned) This aiding the Police to make numinous arrest of members over the years for possession and use of Cannabis, However in 1989 at the Magistrate Court Pahran, The Magistrate ordered that no more members of Bebuybac will be heard at this Court, as so many people are appearing before this Court breaking the Law, then some thing must be wrong with the Law.

Subsequently, the Glen Eira Road premises was unlawfully completely demolished and later the land sold. for far less then the market value. "The Legal Vendetta" continued.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Email reply From the Attorney-General Rob Hulls 06/08/08

Email received on behalf of the Attorney-General Rob Hulls Wednesday 6th August 2008

Dear Mr. McDonald

We have received your correspondence of 1 July and your further letter of 3 August

Correspondence is referred to the Department of Justice for a response to be prepared. Due to the volume received and the work involved immediate responses cannot be provided.

You will receive an answer in due course

Yours sincerely

Lyn Malone
DLO Justice
Office of the Deputy Premier
Office of the Attorney-General

Advocate comments. How many lawyers are needed to prepare an answer to a very simple question, how many days will it take, to answer the issue due course, when the answer now appears very obvious. (If your not a lawyer)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Reminder to The Rob Hulls Attorney-General

The Hon.Rob Hulls 3rd August 2008
Level 3, 1 Treasury Place
East Melbourne VIC 3002

Dear Attorney-General Rob Hulls

Re: Courts Jurisdiction

I write to bring to your attention that as yet I have not received any response to the Urgent issues raised in my Letter dated 1st July 2008.

1. Has the Victorian Parliament the proper legislated power to make laws for the Aboriginal People of Victoria.

2. If the Courts Jurisdiction is question in the Magistrates Court, should the matter then be transferred to The Supreme Court of Victoria, to address the Jurisdiction issue.

As this matter is most urgent and of growing public interest, it would be greatly appreciated if you attend to the matters raised at your earliest opportunity.

Yours faithfully

Les McDonald