Sunday, August 24, 2008

CHCommunity Legal centre 25/08/08

Central Highlands Community Legal Centre
Lisa Buckland Monday 25th August 2008
34 Victoria Street

Dear Ms Lisa Buckland,

I thank you for your E-mail 19th August 2008, and appreciate that it may not be appropriate to deal with the issues by E-mail. Considering the great distance and difficulties of transport to attend your office. I again put in writing the two legal issues that need to be addressed.

As I have been advised on behalf of the Attorney-General the Hon. Rob Hulls that CHCLC will be able to clarify the following issue.

1. Has the Victorian Parliament the proper legislated power to make laws for the Aboriginal People of Victoria, Considering that The Victorian Constitution Act 1975 does not mention the Aboriginal race of Victoria .

2. If the Courts Jurisdiction is question in the Magistrates Court , should the matter then be transferred to The Supreme Court of Victoria, to address the Jurisdiction issue.

As the matter is most urgent and of pubic interest it would be appreciated if you could address the issues at your earliest moment
I thank you
Les McDonald,

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