Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Letter to OPP (08/10/08

Office of Public Prosurcutions
Ms.Raeleene Maxwell
565 Lonsdale 8th October 2008
Melbourne VIC 3000

Dear Ms Raeleene Maxwell Re:Case No. X00340105

I write to bring to you attention a number of issue concerning this matter:-

Firstly, I received the Statement by M. A. Casley Senior Constable, plus photos, which. I thank you for.

Secondly, To make you aware that I have been disadvantaged by an error of judgement made at the Marybrough Court on the 8th April 2008, As the Magistrate may have erred in this ruling, as I reside closer to Marybrough and the Moligul property is where more major offence occurred. For your convenience I have enclosed copies of letter "complaint" dated:-

16Th July 2008 To Senior Registrar Stephen Merbach Ballarat, which highlights my reason for concern.

I feel aggrieved by the action of the Magistrate at the Marybrough Magistrates' Court on the 8th April 2008, and at the St. Arnaud Magistrates Court. 22 May 2008. I trust that any further matters are dealt with in the appropriate Ballarat Court. not the Horsham Courts.

As you are aware of my position and role with in the Aboriginal community, I only ask to be given the same opportunity and courtesy given to others in our community, and as expected by the general public of Victoria.

Thirdly I have also enclosed herewith, a copy, of Sruntiny of Acts and Regulations Committee Executive Officer Helen M Mason, dated 26 August 1996 Which demonstrates the fact that the Victoria Government has no legislated Act, to make laws order and good government for the Indigenous People of Victoria. I note that Victorian Constitution Act 1975 No. 88750 does not mention the Aboriginal People at all.

Considering the time already elapsed, I ask have as yet obtain any documentation or evidence whatsoever that contradicts the above. It would be appreciated if you could forward copies of such at your most earliest moment.

Yours sincerely
Les McDonald

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