Wednesday, May 30, 2007

To protect the people Summary

As to add to our previous fax "The power to protect the people of Australia" 07/02/07 Which included a copy or our letter to the Attorney-General, Philip Ruddock, 5th February 2007, fine herewith copies of letters dated

5th February 2007 To The Attorney-General Philip Ruddock," The Act to Protect the people of Australia. Is the Australian Government obligated to protect the Australian, if so under what act if any"

1st of March 2007 To The Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, "It appears to us that Australian Government is not committed by legislation or under the Australian Constitution 1901 to Protect the Australian People

2nd April 2007 To Steve Gibbons Federal Member for Bendigo Re: Accountability of Government Departments "...we would greatly appreciated if you could bring to the attention of the Attorney-General The Hon Philip Ruddock that we have not, as yet received any response..."

13th April 2007 From the Attorney-General Philip Ruddock. referring to our two previous letters, "whether the "..whether the Australian Government is obligated to protect the Australian People"

26 April 2007 To Steve Gibbons MP We thank you for the time and effort ......As by way of courtesy please find enclosed .....copy of the Attorney-General response dates 13 April 2007"

17th April 2007 To The Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, Re: The Act, To Protect The People of Australia. acknowledge letter of 13 April 2007, "... "However it appears that you may have overlooked the main thrust of our previous correspondence".. " why the Australian Government is not obligated by legislation to protect it people... Something is wrong?

2nd May 2007 From the Attorney-General Philip Ruddock, to Steve Gibbons MP Federal Member for Bendigo which was received on the 7th May 2007 " I refer to your letter of 12 April 2007, ....Earlier correspondence raising constitutional issues." responded directly ..on the 13 April (copy enclosed)

9th May 2007 From Steve Gibbons MP Federal Member for Bendigo, With compliments,

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