Thursday, April 3, 2008

"U" be the judge The Court 31/03/08

Magistrates Court Maryborough
Clarendon Street 3rd April 2008
Maryborough 3465

Dear Clerk of Courts

Re: Case No. X00340105, Listed for Mention 08/04/08

Informant: Micheal A. Hobson

Defendant Leslie E McDonald

Charge 1. The Defendant at Burkes Flat on 30/01/08 did cultivate a narcotic plant, namely cannabis.

The Defendant reserves his plea on this charge,

Charge 2. The Defendant at Moliagul Flat on 30/01/08 did cultivate a narcotic plant, namely cannabis.

The Defendant request the Court to clarify the Jurisdiction of the Courts, over the Aboriginal People of Victoria,

Charge 3. The Defendant at Burkes Flat on September 2007 did use a drug of dependence namely cannabis

The Defendant admits that he used Cannabis in September 2007, when staying in South Australia, at that time,

As to assist the court please find enclosed herewith relating to

Charge I. Documents, Letter, in the public best interest

Charge 2. Correspondence, Letters in support, as the doubt over the courts Jurisdiction has been raised (1996)

Copies of the above have been forwarded and received by the Informant Micheal A Hobson

Submitted by

Les McDonald, founder of Bebuybac, the Concerned Australians, Chief Lore Officer Aboriginal Embassy Victoria,

Yours sincerely

Les McDonald

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

with plants that size you would expect at the most to reap 6 ounces or thereabouts, considering probably more than half were males (the hydro seed infestation is producing many more males almost 80% most growers are saying
all looks pretty cool to me. we will be o.k. thats the priority..what is your intent for instance, what did YOU stand to gain from these pots< the whole plant? providing the root to stew for tea to relieve spasticity in m.s. suffers?