Friday, April 13, 2007

Busted School "U" be the Judge

In light of the report by Matt Cunningham, Anthony Dowsley, and Miranda Rout in the:-Herald Sun (newspaper) Melbourne Ausrtalia on the Thursday April 12, 2007 starts with

"The parents of a boy thrown out of Xavier College for dealing drugs ...claimed he was the victim of the affair" ..."The teenager, who admits on his MySpace website to using drugs, would not comment"

"The Police spent an hour at the school yesterday and seized a small amount of cannabis. The drugs had been kept at the school since late February when they were confiscated from the year 11 student. Xavier deputy head Dominic Calipari told the Herald Sun on tuesday that the confiscated marijuana was still at the school and he was not sure what to do with it. He said he focused on addressing the problem with the student and their parents and did not consider calling police"

Herald Sun, "Sen-Sgt Tom Ebinger from the drug and alcohol strategy unit said ...."Victoria Police take the view that trafficking of a drug is a serious offence and should be reported to them" he said. "Victoria has protocols with Government schools requiring them to report any crime to police, but the protocols do not apply to private school". Premier Steve Bracks said he shared parents concerns about private schools failing to tell police of drug dealing on school grounds, but the policy was not a government matter. Mr Bracks said the school was entitled to decide whether or not it wanted police to investigate. Private schools are independent and private..."

I ask all blogers to consider the following 8 points and respond to such?
1. Was the student foolish by admitting, his using drugs on his web site?
2. How much time did the police spend at the school?
3. Do "U" know what drugs were seized?
4. About how long had the drugs been kept at the School?
5. Was the 11 year old student in possession of a small amount of Cannabis?
6. Did Xavier deputy head, Dominic Calipari confiscate the marijuana?
7. Did Xavier deputy head, Dominic Calipari know what do with the drugs?
8. Is there a law for (rich) private schools, and a law for (poor) public schools?

Considering the Herald-Sun report as evidence, the Victorian Police must charge Xavier deputy head, Dominic Calipari, of being in possession of an illegal substance, to wit Marijuana, as it is most likely he will be found guilty as charged

In support of Dominic Calipari character defence, He focused on addressing the problem with the student and their parents, which would be well appreciated many parents, He did not consider calling police, (it was only cannabis) I now ask, has Dominic Calipari, hindering and preventing the natural course of Justice? Is it Justice or Justus?

Warning. As experience revealsvmany thoughtful parents will inform the police of their children using drugs. This can have a devastating affect on the parents if the police delay or fail to act in a proper manner (for an example of it check out my Bali Nine post)
"U" be the Judge

1 comment:

BodySafe said...

it appears that there is a law for the rich and law for the poor. i will answer your 8 points latter. good stuff.