Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Primer Minister John Howard 27/02/06

Prime Minister John Howard
House of Representatives
Canberra ACT 2600 27th February 2006

Dear Prime Minister,

Re.: Council of Australia Governments

Firstly, We acknowledge the letter on your behalf dated 17th February 2006 being in response to our letter 9th February 2006, We greatly appreciate the quick reply and the effort your staff has demonstrated by forwarding on our correspondence to the appropriate Minister, this we sincerely thank them for. We take this opportunity to also bring to your attention;-

Re: The Impact of Alcohol and Grass on Society Today

1953, My employment enabled me to observed patrons of the Moreland Hotel, Brunswick, just after Six 6 O'clock, on numerous Thursday and Friday nights, A scuffle would breakout, sometimes large mobs of men would spill out into the road abusing kicking punching at times using bottles of beer, wooden pickets torn from near by fence, others used their tools of trade, to support their point of view. Patrons that did not require hospitalisation, went home to the wife and children, some often vent their anger out on them.

Six O'clock hotel closing ended in NSW 1955, later Victorian law also changed, in the effort to prevent or curtail violence and drunkenness in our society, 10 O'clock closing of hotels was introduced, this enabled the working man knock of work 4.30 PM go home have tea, then if they wish go down the local pub for social recreation needs have a beer. It was conceived at that time extended hours would help prevent the crush and rush hour at hotels, intern less drunkenness and violence would prevail. Today 2006, we see and read on a weekly bases, family breakdowns, violent assaults, death and destruction, inflamed race riots, caused by alcohol abuse. Is there a simple solution?... an alternative may be the answer.

1975 June, I operated an alcohol free entertainment venue in Melbourne promoting Australian talent, 16 live acts per night, 7 nights a week between the hours 7. PM till 7. AM. after about three weeks it was full house on Friday , Saturday and Sunday nights. I point out that this venue had "no bouncers" admission was on a weekly membership bases. As I did not even smoke cigarettes, like many of my generation at that time knew nothing or very little about the effects of "pot" marijuana on our society.

It was at this time that I made aware that a large number of patrons were smoking "grass" cannabis. Considering the extended hours the venue operated this may be one reason that there was never a disturbance or any acts of violence recorded at the venue. My conclusion being, that Man made beer and God made grass, whom should we put our trust in?

1978, September, BeBuyBac was foundered by this writer, symbolising Be Australian, Buy Australian, Bac Australian. which aims to create a more peaceful harmonious and tolerant lifestyle for all Australians, to monitor Victorian Government departments, and to assure the laws and regulations do not create an unnecessary burden on the people of Australia
Yours sincerely, Les McDonald

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