Sunday, April 15, 2007

Prime Minister, John Howard 09/01/06

The following is a copy of our letter to the Australian:-

Prime Minister John Howard
House of Representatives
Canberra ACT 2600 9th February 2006

Dear Prime Minister,

In regards to the meeting this morning (9th February) COAG, As it may be of interest to your self as well as other leaders and members of Governments. I offer the following..Noted from the ABC NewsOline 9th February 2006:-

"Mr Howard, has told Southern Cross Radio. he will ask the states to agree with him that taking a tougher line on marijuana is part of preventing mental illness.,"

Based on my own personal experience and that others, Early this year I found urgent need to write to the Victorian Health Minister, The Honourable Browyn Pike,. bringing to her attention the danger and public heath risk inflicted on cannabis consumers in Victoria. As to this date we have not received any response.

As not to burden or overload you with paper, the following is extracts from that letter to her dated the 5th January 2006.

In the early nineties cannabis cultivation had dramatically changed, indoor hydroponics chemical grown cannabis was now readily on the market, many mature cannabis users complained that the hydro grown cannabis, made them feel quite ill the next morning, others maintained hydroponicly grown cannabis caused a form of psychosis, this being due to the amount of chemicals used when growing indoors. Yes, a public health hazard Prohibition has created a health risk to many Victorians, as organic grown cannabis is now only a small part of the commercial market, hydroponicly grown chemically enhanced adulterated cannabis holds the major share of the market. Unfortunately, the younger generation of cannabis consumers know no little difference between the two, as organic cannabis is now a thing of the past.

1996 The Premiers Drug Advisory Council, Chairman Professor David Penington, presented it's report to Parliament, unfortunately recommendations 7.1 to 7.5 was not supported by the then Parliament of Victoria. For your convenience and consideration, Please find enclosed herewith a retyped copy of the unsupported recommendation of that report.

Recommendation 7.2 Cultivation of up to five cannabis plants per household for personal use should no longer be an offence. You may realise as being the same legislation requirements as in the ACT. What you may not realise, by the Victorian Government disregarding this recommendation, has placed hundreds of thousands of Victorians mental health at a greater risk, The reality is, a fact that can not be denied.

We humbly ask, if you see fit to do so, request all the states leaders to consider coming in line the ACT legislation regarding marijuana, to implement these changes at the earliest moment, as to reduce the use of hydroponicly grown chemically ( nitrogen ) enhanced adulterated cannabis. In turn preventing/reducing, the harmful mental risk of marijuana.

Yours sincerely,

Les McDonald

Reply received 17/01/06

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