Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"U" be the judge part 3

open to questioning your accountability and responsibility, as to the good being and welfare of the people of Victoria, as the matters raised are of public health Concern,..."

4th September 1992 In reply,Health Department Victoria, "... The Scientific evidence referred to in the Department's letter of 17 January, would be published in medical and scientific which are available to the public from book-shop and libraries ..."

10 December 2004, Bebuybac to The Premier, The Hon. Steve Bracks ..."it appears that the Government is supporting an unnecessary burden on the people of Victoria... Surely we can built a better way of Life" Prohibition has created an unnecessary burden on the people.. "

11 January 2005 In reply, Department of Premier and Cabinet, " seeking review of the cannabis legislation" ... Your Letter will be forwarded to the Attorney-General at the Department of Justice for consideration"

31 January 2005 Bebuybac, To Department of Justice, Annie Tinney (7 points raised) " there is growing concerns and unrest with in the Community, that the power to protect the people is to far removed from the elected Government of Victoria,

15 April 2005 In reply, Department of Justice, Your letter 10 December 2004, to the Hon. Steve Bracks MP, I acknowledge also your letters of 31 January and 3 April to Annie Tinney of this Department,

7th February 2006 Minister for Health Hon. Bronwyn Pike. :..As a result Australia first National Cannabis Strategy is currently under development and is undertaken by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing..."

13th February 2006 Bebuybac to Minister for Health The Hon Bronwyn Pike,".. it appears that you may have overlooked addressing the most relevant question .. "We would be most grateful if you could forward at most convenient moment any evidence that shows cause and reason why Cannabis remains a prohibit substance

7th February 2006 Bebuybac to Ms Joanne Duncan (as to other Victorian MP) "In January 1997, the then Premier, Jeff Kennett announced the allocation more the $59 Million for the $100 million four year Turning the Tide Strategy,.. "the urgent need to amend the Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substance Act, ... "and include all the recommendations contained in the Premiers Drug Advisory Council.... Mainly recommendations 7.1 to 75 as to lift the unnecessary burden on the people of Victoria

9th February 2006 Bebuybac to The Hon John Brumby. " It could be said that this Act created a shadow of doubt of the Goverments ability to comperhend the use of cannabis, therefor, the youth generation of the day, ignored the Governments warnings and dangers of hard drugs such as Heroin...a fact"

10th February 2006 Bebuybac to The Premier of Victoria The Hon. Steve Bracks,"... the urgent need to review the Premiers Drug and Advisory Council report 1996, and to consider instatement of Recommendation 7.1 to 7.5 of that report.."

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