Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"U" be the judge part I

To the Court

In the matter of Leslie McDonald the Defendant states:-

I Leslie Ernest McDonald, founder of Bebuybac The Concerned Australians, request this Honorable Court to consider the reasons for violating the Drugs Poisons and controlled Substance Act 9719/1981, this being done with in the best interest and future well-being of the people of Victoria in mind

as to assure and uphold the peoples faith in the integrity of the Court's.
as in the best interest health and future wellbeing of the people of Victoria,
as to lift the unnecessary burden placed on the people of Victoria.
as show the current cannabis laws hinder today's society needs and demands. and has caused a division amongst the people of Victoria
as to curtail the growing public cost in cannabis prohibition
and as to question the Victorian Governments intentions and accountability

As to show cause and reasons, I offer the following:-

The Victorian Parliament amended the Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substance Act 1981. and included Cannabis along side Heroin and Cocaine. Note, that the Australian Government Department of Health and Aging, National Drug Strategy Monograph Series N0. 25 S. 4.1 Cannabis the drug. States that "Cannabis has been erroneously classified as a narcotic"
(annexed Marked 1 page copy National Drug Strategy)

In brief, doubt raised over Cannabis laws at the Federal Level

It was brought to attention (1975) that the laws concerning Cannabis were only formatted at the international level, Some Years later the former Minister for Foreign Affairs The Hon Garth Evans confirmed the fact, he also made in known that the laws surround cannabis had not complied with the Australian Constitution added to this Mr. Justice Kirby (The Age 2nd December 1991) "Judge queries drug prohibition " Mr. Justice ...said Australian drug laws and policies had developed more as a response to international pressure ...prohibition had come to dominate Australian drug laws and policy, while alternative regulatory policy had never been seriously considered (annexed Marked 2 letter 13th December 1991)

During 1996 the Kennett Goverment formed the Primers Drug Advisory Council Chairman Professor David Pennington, 31st May, his report was presented to Parlaiment, which recomended that in part 7:-

7.1 Use and possession of small amounts of marijuana should no longer be an offense "small quantity" should be defined as no more then 25 grams (half the amount currently specified in the ACT)

7.2 Cultivation of up to five cannabis plants household for personal use should no longer be an offence.

Continued to 7.3-7.12 (annexed herewith Marked 3 retyped copy 7.1-7.5)

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