Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"U" be the judge Chief Magistrates Reply 16/06/08

Letter from Chief Magistrate Ian L Gray received 18 June 2008

Magistrates Court Victoria
233 Willaim Street
Melbourne Vic. 3000 16 June 2008


Dear Mr. McDonald

I refer to your letter dated 2 June.

It is not appropriate for me to interfere in the listing arrangements for this case or to give any directions about transferring it from one court to another.

If the venue of the case is still an issue, I suggest you take it up with the Senior Registrar Mr. Stephen Merbach, at Ballarat Court (tel: 5336 6222).

Yours faithfully


Ian L Gray

Chief Magistrate

Legal Advocate comments, It appears that the matter of Jurisdiction of the Courts has not been addressed, as requested by the defendant by letter and fax 16 May 2008

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