Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Prime Minister, John Howard reply 17/02/06

In Reply to our letter 09/02/06 Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet on the 17 February 2006 wrote

Dear Mr McDonald

On behalf of the Prime Minister, I would like to thank you for your correspondence of 9 February 2006 regarding marijuana and mental heath.

The Prime Minister appreciates the time you have taken to convey your views to him, However, he regrets that due to the large volume of correspondence he receives, he is unable to respond to each item personally. Consequently, and to ensure that issues receive the attention they deserve, the Prime Minister has asked that correspondence to the be referred to his ministers for further consideration.

I have referred your correspondence to the Minister for Healthy and Ageing, the Hon. Tony Abbott MP for attention, given that he is responsible for the development of policy on health issues.

Again thank you for taking the time to write to the Prime Minister.

Your sincerely


Ministerial Officer
Ministerial Correspondence Unit

Prime Minister, John Howard reply 13/03/06

In Reply to our letter 27/02/06 Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet on the 13 March 2006 wrote

Dear Mr McDonald

Thank you for your correspondence of 27 February 2006 to the Prime Minister regarding your views on legalising marijuana. I have been asked to reply on the Prime Minister's behalf.

The Australian Government does not have the jurisdiction to deal with this matter; it is the responsibility of the Victorian Government. I have therefore forwarded your correspondence to the Victorians Premier's department for attention.

Yours sincerely


Ministerial Officer
Ministerial Correspondence Unit

Primer Minister John Howard 27/02/06

Prime Minister John Howard
House of Representatives
Canberra ACT 2600 27th February 2006

Dear Prime Minister,

Re.: Council of Australia Governments

Firstly, We acknowledge the letter on your behalf dated 17th February 2006 being in response to our letter 9th February 2006, We greatly appreciate the quick reply and the effort your staff has demonstrated by forwarding on our correspondence to the appropriate Minister, this we sincerely thank them for. We take this opportunity to also bring to your attention;-

Re: The Impact of Alcohol and Grass on Society Today

1953, My employment enabled me to observed patrons of the Moreland Hotel, Brunswick, just after Six 6 O'clock, on numerous Thursday and Friday nights, A scuffle would breakout, sometimes large mobs of men would spill out into the road abusing kicking punching at times using bottles of beer, wooden pickets torn from near by fence, others used their tools of trade, to support their point of view. Patrons that did not require hospitalisation, went home to the wife and children, some often vent their anger out on them.

Six O'clock hotel closing ended in NSW 1955, later Victorian law also changed, in the effort to prevent or curtail violence and drunkenness in our society, 10 O'clock closing of hotels was introduced, this enabled the working man knock of work 4.30 PM go home have tea, then if they wish go down the local pub for social recreation needs have a beer. It was conceived at that time extended hours would help prevent the crush and rush hour at hotels, intern less drunkenness and violence would prevail. Today 2006, we see and read on a weekly bases, family breakdowns, violent assaults, death and destruction, inflamed race riots, caused by alcohol abuse. Is there a simple solution?... an alternative may be the answer.

1975 June, I operated an alcohol free entertainment venue in Melbourne promoting Australian talent, 16 live acts per night, 7 nights a week between the hours 7. PM till 7. AM. after about three weeks it was full house on Friday , Saturday and Sunday nights. I point out that this venue had "no bouncers" admission was on a weekly membership bases. As I did not even smoke cigarettes, like many of my generation at that time knew nothing or very little about the effects of "pot" marijuana on our society.

It was at this time that I made aware that a large number of patrons were smoking "grass" cannabis. Considering the extended hours the venue operated this may be one reason that there was never a disturbance or any acts of violence recorded at the venue. My conclusion being, that Man made beer and God made grass, whom should we put our trust in?

1978, September, BeBuyBac was foundered by this writer, symbolising Be Australian, Buy Australian, Bac Australian. which aims to create a more peaceful harmonious and tolerant lifestyle for all Australians, to monitor Victorian Government departments, and to assure the laws and regulations do not create an unnecessary burden on the people of Australia
Yours sincerely, Les McDonald

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Micheal Balldergtone 16/03/06

THe following is a copy of our letter to:-

Dear Micheal Balldergtone 16 March 2006

Re:The Australian Constitution

51. The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have exclusive power to make laws for peace, order and good government of the commonwealth with respect to-see (i) to (xxxviii)

52. The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have exclusive power to make laws for peace, order and good government of the commonwealth with respect to- see (i) to (iii)

53. Proposed laws appropriating revenue or moneys, or imposing taxation ,shall not originate in the Senate. But a proposed law shall not be taken to appropriate revenue or moneys, or to impose n taxation, by reason only of its containing provisions for the imposition or appropriation of fines or other pecuniary penalties, or for the demand or payment or appropriation of fees for licences, or fees for services under the proposed law.

The Senate may not amend any proposed laws so as to increase any proposed charge or burden on the people.

Considering, the millions of Australians that consume cannabis on a regular bases, it would be within reason to claim and substantiate that the laws have created an unnecessary burden on the people of Australia.

It will pay to note, The former commonwealth Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon. Garth Evans, made it known to all Australians, that the laws concerning Cannabis had not been passed in a proper manner as required under the Australian Constitution, he pointed out that Australia had been only a signature to a protocol formatted by the USA. 1928. and that Australian Government, had never done its own research into Cannabis.

It may also be of interest to note, that the United Nations protocol Australia being a signature to such had been disregarded completely by our present Prime Minister John Howard, when making decisions on the war in Iraq.

We recommended that you request your local member of the Australian Parliament to clarify the doubt surround the current cannabis laws.

Yours sincerely, Les McDonald,

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Ted Bailieu Leader Liberal Party 13/06/06

The Following is a copy of our letter dated 13th June 2006 to:-

Ted Baillieu
Leader of the Liberal Party
325 Camberwell Road
Camberwell 3124 13th June 2006

Dear Mr. Ted Baillieu Re: Responsible Government

As you may not be aware, On 31st May 1996, As both houses of Parliament assembled, an historic moment itself, to note the reports of the Premier's Drug Advisory Council and the address of Professor David Penington. The Government and Opposition accepted the broad thrust of the Penington report. It was only after recommendations 7.1 to 7.5 had been deleted, the report gained support. For your convenience and consideration, I have enclosed herewith, retyped copies of the unsupported recommendations.

We need not illustrate the public unrest when they learnt the most impotent recommendations had not been supported. Again this leaving open to ponder just how many members of the 53rd Parliament, have committed obligations, to protect the financial interest of their colleges in the legal profession, This leaving open to question a conflict of interest

During 1997, Access Economics reported, "that spending on illegal drugs in Australia amounts to $7 billion, Seventy per cent of the spending on illegal drugs is on cannabis "(Ref. source .vic.gov.drug reform strategy "turning the tide" page 18) Surely, these billions of dollars could be spent on more worthwhile things. The Australian National Council on Drugs publication March 2006, which appears, in-part, to be deliberately misleading the people of Australia. We also note the ANCD has inserted a disclaimer on the publication of the material..

We are deeply concerned and point out, between 1996 and 2006 there has been over 150,000 Victorians convicted for cannabis related offences. In one year alone (1996) Legal Aid spent 14 million dollars on legal representation defending cannabis consumers that had pleaded guilty. How many more Victorians will end up with a criminal convictions? .Wake up

Considering the hundreds of thousands of Victorians adults that use cannabis on regular bases, rather then alcohol for their for recreation needs. We point out, that Alcohol is one of the main causes of domestic violence in Victorian homes, In 2005, there were 28,854 cases reported to police, an average 2400 per month, this being slightly higher then the previous year, which is predicted to further increase by the end of the next financial year.

It is quite clear over the last thirty years, Cannabis prohibition has caused a costly an unnecessary burden on the people of Victoria. We have no doubt whatsoever, that our future historians will record our turbulent time as a society that could not distinguish between good and bad, right or wrong.

After you have perused Professor David Penington 1996 report to Parliament, contemplate the millions of dollars spent, you may well understand our disappointment in the outcome. With the best interest and future welfare of many Victorians in mind, We ask, if you could personally show any cause and reasons why cannabis should remain a prohibited substance?

Yours sincerely Les McDonald

Copy of recommenations posted soon.

Gavin Jennings MLC 09/03/06

The following is a copy of our dated 9th March 2006 to:-

Acting Minister for Health
Gavin Jennings MLC
555 Collins St
GPO.Box 9th March 2006
Melbourne 3001

Dear Mr.Gavin Jennings MLC,

Re: Accountability of Government Departments

We have been forwarded a copy of your letter dated 23 February 2006, by .Mr. Peter Walsh MP. whom made inquires on our behalf, requesting a copy of correspondence signed by the Acting Minister for Health, the Hon. Bronwyn Pike MP to the Ombudsman sometime in 2005

In your letter you refer to a "copy of a letter signed by Minister Pike as acting Minister for Health in 2002" this being some years prior to when We first wrote to the Department of Justice, Ms Eldridge, considering her poor response, which led to notifying the Ombudsman of our concerns, and subsequently led to the present situation.

Paragraph two in your letter states "I understand the letter to which you refer was written by Minister Pike to another Member of Parliament who was making representation on behalf of a constituent"

I ask, can your confirm the year the letter you have referred to as signed by Minister Pike, and also I ask, as it would be greatly appreciated, if you supply the name of the (another) Member of Parliament that Minister Pike had written to.

Accountability is now a must

Yours sincerely

Les McDonald

Ps. I am personally aggrieved by arrogant claims made by my former solicitor that "they run this country not the government and to prove it I will take all you have got and that there is nothing you can do about it" After some twenty five years, it appears to be the case.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Responsible Government Vic. 07/01/06

The following is a copy of our letter to most members of Victorian Parliament, some letters in responce are on file, and can be view, if required.

Dear MP (named)
As many of your constituents are also our members, I have been requested to bring to your attention the following, please find enclosed a copy, Ballarat Courier, December 2005, "Marijuana now the teen drug of choice" Now! how many of these young people will end up with criminal conviction, an unnecessary burden for the rest of their life.

As you may not be aware, the Jeff Kennett Government, implemented ways to tackle the problem of drug abuse in our community, forming of the Premier's Drug Advisory Council, Chairman, Professor David Penington, presented its report "Drugs and Our Community" to the Government in March 1996.

31st May 1996, As both houses of Parliament assembled, an historic moment itself, to note the reports of the Premier's Drug Advisory Council and the address of Professor David Penington. The Government and Opposition accepted the broad thrust of the Penington report. Professor Penington was available to answer any question put to him. His answer to the question put by Mr. Ashley (Bayswater) was raised several times, After the break (happy hour) cynical remarks by several members of the Government, no doubt, endeavoring to undermine Professor Penington

Premier's Drug Advisory Council report recommendation 7 'The Victorian Government amend the Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substance Act 1981" was not passed in full, it was only after recommendations 7.1 to 7.5 had been deleted that it gained support. For your convenience I have enclosed herewith, retyped copies of the unsupported recommendations.

I did not illustrate the public unrest when they learnt the most impotent recommendations had not been supported. Again this leaving open to ponder just how many members of the 53rd Parliament, have committed obligations, to protect the financial interest of their colleges in the legal profession, yes! members of a private club. Open to question a conflict of interest

In January 1997, The then Premier, Jeff Kennett announced the allocation of more than $59 million for the $100 million four year, Turning the Tide strategy, If you read the enclosed article (Ballarat Courier) it would be with in reason to assume the project has failed.

Les McDonald

Attorney General Philip Ruddock 17/03/07

The Following is a copy of our letter 17th April 2007 To:-

Attorney General Your Ref, 07/3470. MC07/2877; 2924;6898
The Hon. Philip Ruddock.
Robert Garran Office
National Circuit BartonACT 2600 17th April 2007

Dear Minister, Philip Ruddock

Re: The Act, To Protect The People of Australia

I acknowledge you letter of 13 April 2007, being in response to our letter 5th February 2007, we appreciate the effort you have gone to in explaining the system parliamentary democracy,established by the Australian Constitution, which embodies the principle of responsible Government. We realise the Defence Act 1903 and understand that we would be protected by our National defence in war and terrorism. However it appears that you may have overlooked the main thrust of our previous correspondence.

Due to the growing unrest in our community, concerning, David Hicks and more recently the Bali Nine death sentence, raised the question as to-

1. whose duty, it is to protect the Australian People from harm.
2. the role and duty Australian Federal Police
3. the Act that clearly obligates the Australian Government to protect the People.

Considering the contents of your letter of reply, Which emerges that Australian Government is not committed by legislation or under the Australian Constitution 1901, to Protect the Australian People. Which we feel, with the best interest and welfare of the people of the nation in mind, should be rectified by Parliament with in the very near future.

The Cause and Reason

The Federal Police were notified by concerned parents of the Bali Nine, that their son was getting in to illegal activities, "drugs" Like many parents in Australia, The parents were of the understanding that the Police would apprehend and arrest their son, Unfortunately for their own reasons that Police failed to act in a proper manner.

Many parents claim "That if there son or daughter was caught with or dealings drugs they would put him in to the police, and if he goes to jail so be it, teach him lesson or two" Considering, that some members of the Bali Nine have now been sentence to death, leaves open to question the role that the Federal Police played, and why the Australian Government is not obligated by legislation to protect it people... Something is wrong?

We trust that you will recommend to Parliament that the Laws need to be reviewed, as to remove any doubt whatsoever over the Government ability to act as a good and responsible Government for all the people of Australia. Notice of your intention would also be appreciated

Les McDonald

Attorney General Philip Ruddock 01/03/07

The following is a copy of our letter dated 1stMarch to:-
Attorney General
The Hon. Philip Ruddock.
Robert Garran Office
National Circuit BartonACT 2600 1st March 2007

Dear Minister, Philip Ruddock

Re: The Act, To Protect The People of Australia

I write to bring to your attention that we have not received any responce to our email and letter dated 5th February 2007. (copy enclosed)

It appears to us that Australian Government is not committed by legislation or under the Australian Constitution 1901, to Protect the Australian People.

I ask is this correct or not?

This matter now most urgent, and of growing public interest.

I thank you

Yours sincerely

Les McDonald

Monday, April 16, 2007

Attorney General responce

Copy of Letter from Attorney General Philip Ruddock dated 13 April, 2007. In responce to our letter 5th February 2007.

I refer to your letter and email of the 5 February 2007, and to your further letter of 1 March asking whather the Australian Government is 'obligated to protect the Australain People'

The system of parliament democracy established by the Australia Constitution, which embodies the principle of responsible government, effectively requires an Australian Government to work to advance national interest. It aslo makes the Government accountable to the Australian people. Australian Government Minister makes a formal oath or affirmation of office that they will serve the people of Australia.

National defence and security are clearly important considerations in that context, However, there is no single law which supports all defence and security related activities of an Australian Government. These are in facilitated and supported by a wide range of Commonwealth Laws. The Defence Act 1903, for example, makes provision in relation to the Australian Defence Force; while the Australian Fedral Police Act 1979 makes provision in relation to the Australian Federal Police.

signed Philip Ruddock.

We feel that the Attorney General has confussed the issue, Bloggs see bali nine

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Prime Minister, John Howard 09/01/06

The following is a copy of our letter to the Australian:-

Prime Minister John Howard
House of Representatives
Canberra ACT 2600 9th February 2006

Dear Prime Minister,

In regards to the meeting this morning (9th February) COAG, As it may be of interest to your self as well as other leaders and members of Governments. I offer the following..Noted from the ABC NewsOline 9th February 2006:-

"Mr Howard, has told Southern Cross Radio. he will ask the states to agree with him that taking a tougher line on marijuana is part of preventing mental illness.,"

Based on my own personal experience and that others, Early this year I found urgent need to write to the Victorian Health Minister, The Honourable Browyn Pike,. bringing to her attention the danger and public heath risk inflicted on cannabis consumers in Victoria. As to this date we have not received any response.

As not to burden or overload you with paper, the following is extracts from that letter to her dated the 5th January 2006.

In the early nineties cannabis cultivation had dramatically changed, indoor hydroponics chemical grown cannabis was now readily on the market, many mature cannabis users complained that the hydro grown cannabis, made them feel quite ill the next morning, others maintained hydroponicly grown cannabis caused a form of psychosis, this being due to the amount of chemicals used when growing indoors. Yes, a public health hazard Prohibition has created a health risk to many Victorians, as organic grown cannabis is now only a small part of the commercial market, hydroponicly grown chemically enhanced adulterated cannabis holds the major share of the market. Unfortunately, the younger generation of cannabis consumers know no little difference between the two, as organic cannabis is now a thing of the past.

1996 The Premiers Drug Advisory Council, Chairman Professor David Penington, presented it's report to Parliament, unfortunately recommendations 7.1 to 7.5 was not supported by the then Parliament of Victoria. For your convenience and consideration, Please find enclosed herewith a retyped copy of the unsupported recommendation of that report.

Recommendation 7.2 Cultivation of up to five cannabis plants per household for personal use should no longer be an offence. You may realise as being the same legislation requirements as in the ACT. What you may not realise, by the Victorian Government disregarding this recommendation, has placed hundreds of thousands of Victorians mental health at a greater risk, The reality is, a fact that can not be denied.

We humbly ask, if you see fit to do so, request all the states leaders to consider coming in line the ACT legislation regarding marijuana, to implement these changes at the earliest moment, as to reduce the use of hydroponicly grown chemically ( nitrogen ) enhanced adulterated cannabis. In turn preventing/reducing, the harmful mental risk of marijuana.

Yours sincerely,

Les McDonald

Reply received 17/01/06

Dianne Hadden PM 28/03/06

The following is a copy of our letter to our nearest Independent member of the Victorian Parliament.

Ms.Dianne Hadden
2 Peel Street 28th March 2006
South Ballarat 3350

Dear Ms.. Dianne Hadden

As you are our closest independent member of Parliament we write to bring to your attention our concerns regarding the replacement of the Legal Ombudsman Office.

Over the last twenty years we have been involved in bring to the public attention, the power, control and influence that the legal profession, a union, holds over all Victorians.

The Law Institute, (the solicitors union) has the legislated power to regulate and maintain their own profession, and to protect the people. The public of Victoria file over six thousand complaints per year against solicitors, many left frustrated by the lack of control over the profession.

We are concerned that the new appointed body to oversee the legal profession may be lopsided.
For your consideration please find enclosed herewith a copy of our letter to the Attorney- General The Hon. Rob Hulls dated 13 March 2006.

It is of the utmost importance to obtain the answer to the question raised in our letter

"has the current L.S.C Chairman Mr Colin Neave, Am. had or has any involvement whatsoever within the ranks of the legal profession"

Yours sincerely,

Les McDonald

REPLY received date / / 06

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Australian Attorney General

The following is a letter to the Australian Attorney General Philip Ruddock, how long do australians have to wait for a response from Attorney General department?

Attorney General
The Hon. Philip Ruddock.
Robert Garran Office
National Circuit BartonACT 2600 1st March 2007

Dear Minister, Philip Ruddock

Re: The Act, To Protect The People of Australia

I write to bring to your attention that we have not received any response to our email and letter dated 5th February 2007. (copy enclosed)

It appears to us that Australian Government is not committed by legislation or under the Australian Constitution 1901, to Protect the Australian People.

I ask is this correct or not?

This matter now most urgent, and of growing public interest.

I thank you

Yours sincerely
Les McDonald
Accountability for all an echoing call

Friday, April 13, 2007

Busted School "U" be the Judge

In light of the report by Matt Cunningham, Anthony Dowsley, and Miranda Rout in the:-Herald Sun (newspaper) Melbourne Ausrtalia on the Thursday April 12, 2007 starts with

"The parents of a boy thrown out of Xavier College for dealing drugs ...claimed he was the victim of the affair" ..."The teenager, who admits on his MySpace website to using drugs, would not comment"

"The Police spent an hour at the school yesterday and seized a small amount of cannabis. The drugs had been kept at the school since late February when they were confiscated from the year 11 student. Xavier deputy head Dominic Calipari told the Herald Sun on tuesday that the confiscated marijuana was still at the school and he was not sure what to do with it. He said he focused on addressing the problem with the student and their parents and did not consider calling police"

Herald Sun, "Sen-Sgt Tom Ebinger from the drug and alcohol strategy unit said ...."Victoria Police take the view that trafficking of a drug is a serious offence and should be reported to them" he said. "Victoria has protocols with Government schools requiring them to report any crime to police, but the protocols do not apply to private school". Premier Steve Bracks said he shared parents concerns about private schools failing to tell police of drug dealing on school grounds, but the policy was not a government matter. Mr Bracks said the school was entitled to decide whether or not it wanted police to investigate. Private schools are independent and private..."

I ask all blogers to consider the following 8 points and respond to such?
1. Was the student foolish by admitting, his using drugs on his web site?
2. How much time did the police spend at the school?
3. Do "U" know what drugs were seized?
4. About how long had the drugs been kept at the School?
5. Was the 11 year old student in possession of a small amount of Cannabis?
6. Did Xavier deputy head, Dominic Calipari confiscate the marijuana?
7. Did Xavier deputy head, Dominic Calipari know what do with the drugs?
8. Is there a law for (rich) private schools, and a law for (poor) public schools?

Considering the Herald-Sun report as evidence, the Victorian Police must charge Xavier deputy head, Dominic Calipari, of being in possession of an illegal substance, to wit Marijuana, as it is most likely he will be found guilty as charged

In support of Dominic Calipari character defence, He focused on addressing the problem with the student and their parents, which would be well appreciated many parents, He did not consider calling police, (it was only cannabis) I now ask, has Dominic Calipari, hindering and preventing the natural course of Justice? Is it Justice or Justus?

Warning. As experience revealsvmany thoughtful parents will inform the police of their children using drugs. This can have a devastating affect on the parents if the police delay or fail to act in a proper manner (for an example of it check out my Bali Nine post)
"U" be the Judge

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Black History Victoria

John Batman founder of Melbourne , Victoria married Eliza Callaghan (convict)

Eliza Callaghan who at the age of seventeen was convicted of trying to defraud the bank of England by passing a forged pound note. She was sentenced to death, the sentence was commuted to fourteen years transportation.

On arriving in Horbart Town goal she was assigned to the keeper, she spent three years with him as a wife, during that time, she absconded three times, She was recaptured each time and sentenced to periods in the stocks, At times she was forced to wear an iron collar, Finally she fled into the Tasmanian bush, Where she came open John Batman and he took her in.

In 1828 after she gave birth to three children with Batman he approach Governor Arthur for permission to marry her, and grant her a pardon (by the time this was granted 1833 the family had grown to six)

1836 John Batman arrived in Port Philip with his family, consisting of his wife, six daughters, a son and thirty servants, However Batman died 5th May 1839, His widow Eliza married William Willoughby, (an employee) in 1841,

Note. Wesleyan Church records trustees named as being George Lilly, William Whitton.(ie witton), John Jones Peers,Thomas Jennings, and William Willoughby. dated 21 September 1842

In 1843 Eliza Willoughby and her children, then said to be in pitiable condition; pettitioned Queen Victoria for a grant of a portion of the waste lands of the District; but their appeal was refused. (the extensive documentation may be consulted at the Public Records Office Victoria)

Eliza Willoughby moved to Geelong 1847, and was kicked to death by a druken mob in 1852.

William Willoughby took his Aboriginal wife and bore him two children - Hannah and Alfred. When he died in 1856, she walked back 400 Kilometers to Gunditjmara Country, with her two children. Susannah, her husband and his and her children lived in a humpy at Lake Condah.

Annie Rich is an Aboriginal woman from South Australia, married Alfred (Willoughby) McDonald.
and his sister Hannah (Willoughby) McDonald married Jamie Lovitt

Alfred McDonald and Annie (Rich) McDonald had 5 Children

Fiora 26/02/1884 dec 1885 14 Months
Susannah 19/06/1885
Allen McKinnon 04/10/1887
Euphemia 25/05/1889
George McDonald 26/11/1890

Jamie Lovitt and Hannah (Willoughby) Lovitt had 4 Children

Ebenezer James 28/05/1882
Charles Leonard 14/04/ 1884
Norman Gordon 03/03/1886
Fedderick Amos 23/03/1887

More to be posted, Batmans Blacks Treaty
Batmans Blackline war

Drugs in sport

Re: "Age' Footy drugs testing finds 15 under the influence.

It is of great concern that all AFL players are subjected to The Australia Sports Drug Agency, out -of- competition testing system, which includes Marijuana.

Marijuana is a prohibited substance listed under ASDA in 2006 maintained by WADA. This must leave open to question the real motive behind both ASDA and WADA Marijuana, is not a performance-enhancing substance, in fact, reduces performance levels of the user.

Considering the millions of Australians that consume Marijuana reguarly, we can only assume that some AFL players are included in the numbers. The herb 'Cannabis' has been used for centuries for it's medicinal effects, Queen Victoria used the herb to relive minstrel pain. O'shaugnessy introduced cannabis to British medicine in the mid-nineteen century, Nahas in 1984 recommended its use for the relief of pain , muscle spasm, and convulsions occurring in tetanus, rabies, rheumatism and epilepsy. Others to numinous to mention (Ref. A.G.D.H. and Ageing, Series. 25)

Cannabis was used as a beverage or food additive in cakes and biscuits by a small part of our society. By 1970 "pot" use had increased, 1975 it retailed (home grown) at the astonishing of price $30 per ounce, this price forced many consumers to smoke "pot" for their recreational comforts, avoiding the social effects of alcohol =destruction=violence=death..We note from ASDA substance prohibited in particular sports alcohol is prohibited, in-competition only, being not over i.e. Aeronautic, (0.20) Archery, (0.10) Automobile, (0.10) Billiards, (0.20) Boules, (0.10) Karat (0.10) Modern Pentathlon, (0.10) Motorcycling (0.10) Power-boating (0.30). AFL players, in-competition have no limits on alcohol

Many young AFL players live at home with their parents, watching TV in an enclosed space his parents may smoke Marijuana, resulting in the young player showing a positive test to Marijuana, up until seven days after inhaling "passive smoke". I have enclosed herewith cut-out from the Melbourne "AGE" "Boxer set for final drug ban appeal ..".he was with relatives who were smoking marijuana, and that this caused his positive test".

We feel that all AFL clubs should but the players social welfare at the forefront, It would be within reason to request the ASDA and WADA to show cause and reason (the evidence)' why Marijuana is to remain in the prohibited list 2006. . ... Accountability, a must for all.

We all need, Straight answer to a Straight question

Yours sincerely, Les McDonald

Violence in our Community

Alcohol is one of the main causes of domestic violence in Victorian homes, in 2005alone, there were 28,854 cases reported to police, an average of 2400 per month. A higher statistic than the previous year and one that is predicted to further increase by the end of the next financial year.

Assistant Police Commissioner, Leigh Gassner, said there was a dramatic peak in December and the beginning of the New Year, "clearly perpetrators are not getting the message that violence is unacceptable" Mary Noseda of Women Domestic Violence Services. said "It's around family times when people aren't at work and there's too much alcohol.." and "it was impossible to get help for every female victim of violence " Mr. Gassner said At the end of the day we wouldn't be accepting this in the street, we shouldn't accept it in the home.

At this point in time there are no statistics available relating to the alcohol induced violence within the wider community. However, almost daily we hear, read and see on TVs the violence, death and destruction with in our community caused by alcohol abuse. These figures are nothing new, this has been going on for such a long time that our society today is obvious to the facts, and has excepted that this is a normal way to live in Australia.

We see our sporting stars, community leaders, members of Parliament, Premiers and our Prime Minister John Howard, consuming and at times promoting alcohol use. This indicating to all, that alcohol is excepted as being OK to consume.
In the 1960s a small part of our society began to change their habits and recreation needs turned to using a herb substance "pot" or "grass" more commonly known today as Marijuana or Cannabis. as an alternative to alcohol for recreation hours. Today thousands of Victorians consume cannabis on a regular basis.

The Australian Government Department of Health National Drug Strategy series No.25 states "The major motive for the widespread recreational use of cannabis is the experience of a subjective "high" an altered state of consciousness which is characterised by emotional changes, such as mild euphoria and relaxation... When used in a social setting, the "high" is often accompanied by infectious laughter, talkativeness, and increased sociability"

Victorian Police, and health departments records for cannabis use relating to violence in the home or within the wider community is limited, to a degree of inconsequential value, It would within reason to claim cannabis use suppresses violence in the user, the home and the community. However. there is reported violence by retailers and cultivators of cannabis, When the homes have been raided and robbed by persons unknown, Cannabis is an illegal substance, Alcohol is a legal drug,

Conclusion. Man made beer, God made grass, whom should we put our trust in?
Les McDonald Founder, BeBuyBac

Captain Cooks Orders

The questions that needs to be considered on this page Q1. did captain Cook follow his Orders, Q2. did he break the law of the day. Do "U" know the answers.

Captain Cook's Orders, Given under the hands of the commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain & Co. dated 30th July. "you are also with the consent of the natives to take possession of convenient situation in the Country in the Name of the King of Great Britain; if you find the Country uninhabited take Possession for his Majesty by setting up proper marks and Inscriptions, as Firsts discovers and Possessors"

On the 2nd August 1770, Captain Cook landed a party of Marines on Possession Island and claimed possession of the whole east coast of New Holland in the name of King of Great Britain, to this point in time (2007) there is no recorded evidence of any consent given by the Natives to take possession of the land, it is conceded that Possession Island could have been uninhabited at that time, this giving Cook's claim some legal credibility to that Island.

1787 Captain Philip sailed from Mother Bank England on the 13th May and soon after the convicts attempted to take over the Vessel, however they failed.

1788 Philip arrives at Botany Bay with two ships of war, three store ships, 212 Officers and Marines, 776 convicts 558 whom were male. encountered two French Ships sailed under La Perouse, boarded by the English, Charts and books taken by them.

1798 Bass and Flinders sailed around Van Diemans land in the Norfolk, confirmed that the Dutch have abandoned Van Diemans land, and he estimated that were 100,000 natives within Van Diemans land.

What comes next
Your answer to Q1 and Q2 would be welcomed, "U" be the Judge

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Discovering Australia

The black history of Australia, do you know the Great Southern Land, was inhabited by natives, when Captain Cook visited in 1770, did he follow is orders? after concidering the following.

1504 "On the discovery of the new world ..the Chinese to whom no doubt belongs the honour of the first discovery of Australia Marco Polo charts indicated the position of a Great south Land In addition to the chart of Marco Polo another Chart now in the British Museum and bearing the date 1542

1606 The Dutch yacht Duyfen, on returning from an exploring expedition along the coast of new Guinea, touches upon the eastern shore of the Gulf of Carpentaria. Fernandez de Quiros sails from Peru and discovers the New Hebrides called by him "Australia del Espiritu Sancto" Vaes detorres, the Spanish Navigator passes through the Strait which bears his name, obtains a view of cape York, Northern Australia

1642 On the 24th November at about 4 O'clock in the afternoon Able Janz Tasman, with sixty men in the Heemskerck and Fifty in the Zeehaen, sights land with in the south seas unknown to any European nation, on the 2nd December 1642, they land at the entrance to Blackmans Bay and conferred on it the name Anthony Van Diemans landt, in honour of the Governor - General who instigated the discoverage voyage and named Van Diemans Land.

1663 Thevenot's Charts of the west coast of Hollandia Nova published

1767 Maps published in London, showed that practically all the coast of Australia from the inner side of the York Peninsula right around to about midway across the Gulf of Carpentaria also that part of Tasmania from Freyciner's Peninsula and the eastern shores of New Zealand, had been discovered.

1768 Captain Cook sails on his first voyage August 26th 1768.

1770 Captain Cook in the Endeavour had been appointed to prove that New Zealand was not part of the continent, and to discover whether Van Diemans land was part of the same. Point Hicks descried by Lieut. Hicks of the Endeavour April 19th 1770. Soon after Cook lands, discovers Botany Bay. Captain Cook passes through the Torres Straits, (Cook ignorant of Torres discovery) Busted Bay, Thirsty Sound, Endeavour River, visited and named by Cook.

Cook, On the 2nd August 1770, he landed a party of Marines on Possession Island and claimed possession of the land in name of King of Great Britain, George 111 (see Captain Cook's orders)


The Bali Nine are guilty as charged. The Federal Police where made aware that drug (Heroin) deal was going to happen, the Australia Government informed the Indonesian Government police, that the nine were coming to Bali to obtain drugs, and bring them into Australia by way domestic air travel. Offenders, names and other revenant information were forwarded.

The Australian Police could have arrested the Nine when they landed on Australian soil, the evidence was strapped to some of their bodies, in turn the Australian Police would have got them convicted.

As the AFP role is to prevent crime, (illegal drug activities) then why did the AFP not hinder or stop the Bali Nine drug deal going a head, as they were well aware of the overall situation. We assume they had knowledge and understand of Indonesian laws and penalties. Knowingly placing young Australians lives at great risk.

Over the last 30 years or so we greatly appreciate and respect the effort AFP has done in preventing drugs coming in to Australia, Record hauls of hard drugs often make the headline, applauded by many concerned citizens that believe that Billions of dollars by Government will curtail the importation of drugs. However, as time has clearly demonstrated that war or drugs has not worked, Unfortunately causing a shadow of doubt over the integrity of our AFP, leaving open to question their motives, what final outcome they hoped to achieve?.

We don't wish to appear as being vindictive towards AFP as this is not the case, Disappointed yes! We understand that many people, support drugs pushers being exterminated, hanged, believing this action would deter others importing drugs, which is not the case. Considering the flow of hard drugs is still rampant, and the Australians that have been so far executed, yet we still find gullible young people tempted by the adventure or finical gain. Just how many people will be caught up in this game, destroyed, before the people of this country wake up!

Some years ago, we suggested to Government, that all Heroin users be registered, they would be supplied with Australian produced Heroin, at cost price, this making imported Heroin worth very little if anything. Have you a better suggestion to save a life?. The circumstance surrounding the Bali Nine has highlighted the fact that Australian Government has not proper legislated power to protect the people of Australia. Is Entrapment an illegal act.?

It may assist, if you write to your local Federal Member of Parliament, requesting to bring to Parliament attention, the urgent need to review the AFP duty in protecting the citizens of Australian, to assure in future, early prevention is more expectable then Entrapment.

Les McDonaldFounder

BeBuyBac Black History Lesson

Thought you learnt the right history at school? Here's the black facts you didn't get....

Here is lesson one, keep checking the Bebuybac blog for regular lessons in Australia's black history.

During the nineteenth century, various English institutions, paved the way and manner to control the people of this country. In 1901 the Australian Constitution enacted, thus giving the Australian Parliament (under s51) the power to make laws for peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:-

"(xxvi) The people of any race; other than the Aboriginal race in any State, for whom it is deemed necessary to make special laws."

The Australian people were required to vote, (as promoted) to allow the Aboriginal to be counted in the censors and the right to Vote. This referendum resulted in 92% of the population voting yes. for the Australian Constitution to be altered.

The Australian Constitution was altered in 1967 and the words "other than the Aboriginal race in any state" were deleted from the constitution The vast majority of people believed their 'yes' vote will give the Aboriginal the rights to vote, (which it legally did) . How many of you realize that only after the referendum did the Australian Parliament have power to make laws for the peace, order and good government for theAboriginal race? Which leaves open the question, just how many of the indigenous people were prosecuted before 1967 by a government that had no lawful rights to make laws for the Aboriginal people?

Their is growing concern within our community, that the power to protect the people is too
far removed from the elected Government, Parliament. The Law institute Act gives the lawyers the rights to regulate and maintain their own profession and to "protect the people" Considering what has transpired over the years into the current position of our peoples health and well-being, we feel it would be more accountable and assuring if the Government of Australia was obligated by legislation to protect the People of Australia.

Recent matters concerning Australians overseas (such as the David Hicks case) are prime examples of a Government that is not legally obligated to protect the citizens of this country, Guilty or Not, his birth rights were not protected by the Australian Government.

We feel it would be in the best interest of all Australians, if the power to protect the people was not in the hands of the powerful and wealthy private club, a form of union, whose main aim and ambitions may not necessary rest in the best interest and welfare of the Australia people.

Les McDonald, Chief Lore Officer, Aboriginal Embassy Victoria


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