Captain Cook's Orders, Given under the hands of the commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain & Co. dated 30th July. "you are also with the consent of the natives to take possession of convenient situation in the Country in the Name of the King of Great Britain; if you find the Country uninhabited take Possession for his Majesty by setting up proper marks and Inscriptions, as Firsts discovers and Possessors"
On the 2nd August 1770, Captain Cook landed a party of Marines on Possession Island and claimed possession of the whole east coast of New Holland in the name of King of Great Britain, to this point in time (2007) there is no recorded evidence of any consent given by the Natives to take possession of the land, it is conceded that Possession Island could have been uninhabited at that time, this giving Cook's claim some legal credibility to that Island.
1787 Captain Philip sailed from Mother Bank England on the 13th May and soon after the convicts attempted to take over the Vessel, however they failed.
1788 Philip arrives at Botany Bay with two ships of war, three store ships, 212 Officers and Marines, 776 convicts 558 whom were male. encountered two French Ships sailed under La Perouse, boarded by the English, Charts and books taken by them.
1798 Bass and Flinders sailed around Van Diemans land in the Norfolk, confirmed that the Dutch have abandoned Van Diemans land, and he estimated that were 100,000 natives within Van Diemans land.
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