Monday, April 16, 2007

Attorney General responce

Copy of Letter from Attorney General Philip Ruddock dated 13 April, 2007. In responce to our letter 5th February 2007.

I refer to your letter and email of the 5 February 2007, and to your further letter of 1 March asking whather the Australian Government is 'obligated to protect the Australain People'

The system of parliament democracy established by the Australia Constitution, which embodies the principle of responsible government, effectively requires an Australian Government to work to advance national interest. It aslo makes the Government accountable to the Australian people. Australian Government Minister makes a formal oath or affirmation of office that they will serve the people of Australia.

National defence and security are clearly important considerations in that context, However, there is no single law which supports all defence and security related activities of an Australian Government. These are in facilitated and supported by a wide range of Commonwealth Laws. The Defence Act 1903, for example, makes provision in relation to the Australian Defence Force; while the Australian Fedral Police Act 1979 makes provision in relation to the Australian Federal Police.

signed Philip Ruddock.

We feel that the Attorney General has confussed the issue, Bloggs see bali nine

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