Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Prime Minister, John Howard reply 17/02/06

In Reply to our letter 09/02/06 Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet on the 17 February 2006 wrote

Dear Mr McDonald

On behalf of the Prime Minister, I would like to thank you for your correspondence of 9 February 2006 regarding marijuana and mental heath.

The Prime Minister appreciates the time you have taken to convey your views to him, However, he regrets that due to the large volume of correspondence he receives, he is unable to respond to each item personally. Consequently, and to ensure that issues receive the attention they deserve, the Prime Minister has asked that correspondence to the be referred to his ministers for further consideration.

I have referred your correspondence to the Minister for Healthy and Ageing, the Hon. Tony Abbott MP for attention, given that he is responsible for the development of policy on health issues.

Again thank you for taking the time to write to the Prime Minister.

Your sincerely


Ministerial Officer
Ministerial Correspondence Unit

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