Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gavin Jennings MLC 09/03/06

The following is a copy of our dated 9th March 2006 to:-

Acting Minister for Health
Gavin Jennings MLC
555 Collins St
GPO.Box 9th March 2006
Melbourne 3001

Dear Mr.Gavin Jennings MLC,

Re: Accountability of Government Departments

We have been forwarded a copy of your letter dated 23 February 2006, by .Mr. Peter Walsh MP. whom made inquires on our behalf, requesting a copy of correspondence signed by the Acting Minister for Health, the Hon. Bronwyn Pike MP to the Ombudsman sometime in 2005

In your letter you refer to a "copy of a letter signed by Minister Pike as acting Minister for Health in 2002" this being some years prior to when We first wrote to the Department of Justice, Ms Eldridge, considering her poor response, which led to notifying the Ombudsman of our concerns, and subsequently led to the present situation.

Paragraph two in your letter states "I understand the letter to which you refer was written by Minister Pike to another Member of Parliament who was making representation on behalf of a constituent"

I ask, can your confirm the year the letter you have referred to as signed by Minister Pike, and also I ask, as it would be greatly appreciated, if you supply the name of the (another) Member of Parliament that Minister Pike had written to.

Accountability is now a must

Yours sincerely

Les McDonald

Ps. I am personally aggrieved by arrogant claims made by my former solicitor that "they run this country not the government and to prove it I will take all you have got and that there is nothing you can do about it" After some twenty five years, it appears to be the case.

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